domingo, abril 01, 2007

Aviso a quienes viven en California

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Dear Compañeros and Compañeros:

I just learned from compañero Al Rojas, from the Frente de Mexicanos en el Exterior and Sacramento LCLAA, that Fernando Mendoza, the leader of Section 22 of the teachers' union in Oaxaca and a leader of APPO, will be able to extend his tour to Northern California so that he can be in the Bay Area next weekend.

In coordination with Al, I have reserved the Center for Political Education in San Francisco (522 Valencia St., @ 16th St.) for Sunday, April 8 -- from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Please come and hear the latest update from the continuing struggle of the teachers and peoples of Oaxaca, who, despite the repression, have not relented in their drive to secure justice and dignity.

The only agenda point is an update from compañero Mendoza on the current situation in Oaxaca.

We hope you will be able to be there -- AND PLEASE HELP US GET THE WORD OUT ABOUT THIS EVENT!

Saludos a todos/as,

Alan Benjamin
member, San Francisco LCLAA
member, Exec. Bd., SF Labor Council

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