sábado, julio 07, 2007

The Bu$h Agenda

The Bu$h Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time
by Antonia Juhasz > HarperCollins Publishers, paperback release date, May 8, 2007
Updated with a new afterword, "What A Difference A Year Makes."

The Bu$h Agenda exposes the Bush Administration's use of corporate globalization policy as a weapon of war. Juhasz uncovers the history and key role of U.S. corporations in the creation of the Bush agenda, focusing on Bechtel, Lockheed Martin, Chevron, and Halliburton. Presenting the Iraq War as the most brutal application of the Bush agenda, Juhasz reveals the "oil time-line" driving the war, and how the administration has fundamentally transformed Iraq's economy, locking in sweeping advantages to its corporate allies – including increased access to Iraq's oil. The administration has expanded its target to the whole Middle East through the U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Area. Juhasz brings to sharp focus the dangerous fallacy that the United States can combat terrorism and spread democracy through its so-called "free trade" policies. Extensively researched and highly engaging, The Bu$h Agenda provides informative analysis revealing the hard truths about where the Bush administration and its corporate allies are leading the modern world—AND WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. You can purchase The Bu$h Agenda at any local bookstore (if they do not have it, you can ask them to order it), or visit Powell's Books.

"A meticulous expose of corporate America's intentions in the Gulf." - The Organizer-India
"Excellent." - Amy Goodman
"A resounding call to action." - John Perkins
"Essential Reading." - Congressman John Conyers
"One of the crispest, most insightful books yet to expose the Bush regime." - The Georgia Straight, Canada
"Lucid, fact-filled and nonrhetorical." - The North Bay Bohemian
"Spine tingling." - The Ecologist Magazine

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