miércoles, enero 23, 2008

Stop Him From Listening

Bush wants Congress to legalize the worst excesses of his administration. He wants to give immunity to phone companies who illegally turned over peoples’ phone records and allow the government to spy on emails and phone calls without a warrant. Sign the petition to restore checks .

Sign the ACLU's petition to Senator Reid by filling in your information. Our petition reads:

After engaging in an illegal, secret surveillance program, President Bush is in no position to make demands of anyone. Americans expect you to stand up for the Constitution and the rule of law. That means:
1. Rejecting telecom immunity: President Bush is demanding immunity for companies that broke the law when they handed over phone data and emails to the NSA without a warrant. He wants Congress to bury the truth by stopping lawsuits against the phone companies. When the phone companies are off the hook, Bush is off the hook, and there would be no incentive for companies to follow the law in the future.
2. Individual warrants for Americans: Surveillance tactics that allow the government to gather huge amounts of phone and email data on Americans without a warrant are unconstitutional and violate our American principles.
Americans expect you, the most powerful member of the Senate, to lead on this issue, not cave in to President Bush and his allies in Congress. Please don’t let us down.


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