viernes, febrero 22, 2008

Everything You Need to Know About Water Privatization

A new web page of resources about whether corporations should own and control water for economic gain.
Today we proudly launch Getting serious with Water Privatization a page of web resources related to the question of whether small groups of people should be permitted to own and control the elixir of life and disseminate it to the rest of the globe for their personal gain. Obviously, we don't think so, but we feel compelled -- like the wimpy-assed, fair-minded liberals we are -- to present resources supporting both sides of the argument.
Below are more links to water privatization resources than you can shake a water-divining rod at. This will be regularly updated. No, really, it will.

Water Privatization - Fact Pack

A "fact pack" from the State Environmental Resource Center (meaning a resource for all states) is a good a place to start as any to get basic information about the history of and prospects for water privatization in the U.S. (It hasn't been updated since 2004, but most of the info is still useful.)

Pacific Institute: Topics - Water Privatization

Pacific Institute: Topics - Water Privatization California-based think tank provides timely and common-sense analysis. Typical of their approach, they take a middle-of-the-road, grant-funding-agency-friendly approach to privatization.

AlterNet: Tags: water privatization

Stories, blog posts, and videos tagged as "water privatization" from a politically progressive news site.

Grist magazine privatization debate

For those of you who think there are two sides to the question of the privatization of the elixir of life, the environmental online magazine Grist has posted a five-part smackdown between some water industry flack and anti-privatization H2O huggers Maude Barlow and Sara Ehrhardt, who are with the, gasp,
Council of Canadians. Our feeble attempt to be balanced notwithstanding, this is great.
And the list goes on ... To see more links about water privatization, visit the continually updated list at Water Privatization.

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