domingo, junio 01, 2008

Sign our global petition to close Guantánamo

Sign the petition HERE!

Experience Guantánamo in a town near you!

On May 8 in Miami, Amnesty International launched its national tour of a life-size Guantánamo prison cell replica. Philadelphia is the next stop. (See below for details.) The cell tour is a way to bring the harsh realities of illegal detention to concerned citizens and call attention to the injustice and human rights abuses that Guantánamo symbolizes.
In Guantánamo's maximum security facilities, detainees are kept for up to 23 hours per day in complete isolation.
Watch a panoramic photo from inside the cell to get an idea of what it's like.
You'll be able to enter the cell, go through the conditions of isolation and record a video message to President Bush, letting him know where you stand on Guantánamo and torture.
And before leaving, you can
tear down a pixel of Guantánamo and join our call for detainees to be charged and given fair trials or released.
Watch a slideshow of the cell tour
Visit the cell tour blog
Together we can take action to end the human rights violations Guantánamo stands for: illegal detention, torture, denial of fair trials and habeas corpus, extraordinary rendition and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
Together we can close Guantánamo.
Take action right now:
Sign our global petition to close Guantánamo
Read about Guantánamo and ‘war on terror’ related human rights abuses
Donate to support the cell tour
To read more.

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