sábado, enero 10, 2009


ALL OUT For Tomorrow's Mass March in L.A.
National Day of Emergency Action

Saturday, January 10, 12 noon
Westwood Federal Building11000
Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles (at Veteran)

Momentum is building for L.A.'s Regional Mass March and Rally to Let Gaza Live. Help us show the most solidarity we can for the Palestinian people. Please bring friends, family, coworkers, students and everyone who believes in justice to march together in L.A. for Gaza. Read this email for updates, logistical information and more.
People will gather at the Westwood Federal Building in Los Angeles at 12 noon. The Federal building is the seat of the U.S. government in L.A., the same government that supplies $15 million per day of military and economic aid to Israel.
At 1pm, there will be a mass march through Westwood. The march is fully permitted. Families and people of all ages are encouraged to attend.
Tomorrow's march will be a strong expression against the U.S.-Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. There will be a children's contingent to represent the hundreds of children who have been killed by Israeli bombs.
There will be a funeral procession with coffins draped with Palestinian flags, along with a symbolic die-in to illustrate the carnage inflicted by the U.S.-Israeli war machine. We will march by the headquarters of Occidental Petroleum, an massive oil corporation that has strong economic ties to Israel. After the march, a rally with speakers will begin back at the Federal Building.
Carpools are coming from all over Southern California to the march and rally. See a partial list below.
Now two weeks into the murderous U.S.-Israeli assault on Gaza, the wanton destruction of Palestinian life continues without pause. While the world responded in outrage to the Israeli bombing of a UN school in Gaza, which took the lives of dozens of children, still more atrocities continue unabated.
A U.N. agency said Israeli troops forced 110 Palestinian civilians to move to a house in Gaza City on Jan. 4, then shelled the building 24 hours later, killing 30 people. Although the Israeli military has imposed a complete media blackout, and is now firing on media that dares to report from Gaza, chilling photos have still made their way to the web, showing what the grotesque invasion really looks like on the ground. These photos make it clear that the entire Palestinian people, not just Hamas, are under attack.
We stand at a critical moment in history. For all people who believe in justice, there is nothing more important than joining the National Day of Action to "Let Gaza Live" in Los Angeles tomorrow.
Please make a donation to cover the cost of the event. Click here to donate by credit card through PayPal.
You can also make credit card donations over the phone at 213-251-1025.

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