jueves, noviembre 26, 2009

Detienen en HONDURAS a extranjeros MEXICANOS especialistas en fraude electoral

Autoridades de investigación detuvieron a catorce personas de nacionalidad mexicana, quienes estarían montando el equipo computarizado para montar el fraude electoral del próximo domingo 29 de noviembre, día de las elecciones generales.

Esta tarde han sido detenidos catorce mexicanos, especialistas en fraudes electorales en su país y que también pretendían montarlo en las elecciones generales del próximo domingo 29 de noviembre.
En el noveno piso de un lujoso hotel capitalino han sido detenidos, después de haber ingresado al territorio nacional a inicios de esta semana procedentes de esa nación del norte, sin embargo autoridades de investigación venían siguiéndole la pista, debido a que tenían reportes que en su país de origen habían participado en varios fraudes electorales en beneficio de uno de los partidos mayoritarios, y la misma acción la realizarían en los comicios generales.
En la detención también se ha incautado equipo de cómputo de alta tecnología, a fin de corroborar si los mismos tienen los programas informáticos para realizar dicho fraude. Sin embargo, hasta el momento la Policía Nacional no se ha pronunciado sobre la detención de los extranjeros.

PAN’s Dirty Hands”: More Hildebrando Data Brokerage-Jokerage?
Posted by Colin Brayton

CNN Español airs demonstration of the Hildebrando data brokerage-jokerage affair. “Hackers rigged a phony Web site to slander PAN,” said defenders of National Action at the time.

José Reveles documents in his book “The dirty hands of PAN” how the Hildebrando case is not the only one in which PAN partisans abused public funds.
Or, as I find more interesting, broke data privacy laws using skeevy public-private partnerships based on no-bid contracts to relatives of public officials.
Hildebrando was the IT shop that was (no bid) contracted to conduct the PREP quick count on July 2, 2006. It belongs to Felipe Calderón’s brother-in-law, a Mr. Zavala.
A Web site with Calderón campaign branding and the password “Hildebrando117″ was demonstrated on CNN Español during the campaign. It appeared to allow full access to private data on Mexico’s 65 million registered voters.
So from July 2006, coverage of the launch of José Reveles’ The Dirty Hands of PAN.
I clip to my cryptomarxist pseudojournalistic file (although I note, according to quick google, that U.S. military clipping services — our military guys are fairly reality-based people, I find — seem to follow the guy’s work as well. He did win a pretty big investigative journalism prize in 2001. )
I clip partly because it may be relevant as background to the Ye Gon case, where the defense has said it will argue that the alleged man behind the meth is the victim of “political persecution” over blowing the whistle on an alleged PAN political slush fund.The man’s lawyers have applied for political asylum on that basis, even as Ye Gon is indicted today. (Paulo Maluf, of course, also pled “political persecution” when indicted in Manhattan county court, so one should not leap to any automatic conclusions.)
Ye Gon recently appeared to back off claims that he has personal knowledge that the money is a PAN slush fund, but last I heard was still maintaining that this is what he was told by “Luis” and “Javier.” Go figure. Stay tuned.
On other reports that all may not be hysterical moral virginity in the land of PAN, see also
PANdemonium in Veracruz: Blueprint for Election Fraud
Mexico: Repercussions in Elections Fraud Case?
PANdemonium in Guerrero (PAN state party chair arrested and charged with ordering the murder of a PAN legislator who was looking into skimming out of budget allocations to municipalities.)

Hildebrando 117 V2
Aqui las pruebas en video de que el PAN utiliza el Padrón Electoral para otros fines. Es un delito que denuncio el IFE ante la FEPADE, el PAN no tiene derecho a abusar de la privacidad de los mexicanos, por lo tanto no debe gobernar. No queremos mas fascismo!!!


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