lunes, julio 12, 2010

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We're in a Recession Because the Rich Are Raking in an Absurd Portion of the Wealth

We're in a Recession Because the Rich Are Raking in an Absurd Portion of the Wealth

By Robert Reich, The Nation

Our economy can't thrive when the richest 1% get an ever larger share of the nation's income and wealth, and everyone else's share shrinks. READ MORE »

Has the American Dream Become Our Nightmare?

Has the American Dream Become Our Nightmare?

By Mary Sykes Wylie, Psychotherapy Networker

The time is ripe for us to rethink some of our deepest beliefs about the way this country should work, and how we should live our lives. READ MORE »

6 (Unlikely) Developments That Could Convince This Atheist To Believe in God

6 (Unlikely) Developments That Could Convince This Atheist To Believe in God

By Greta Christina, AlterNet

Atheists often point out that religious faith is closed off to evidence that contradicts it. What evidence would persuade atheists that their atheism was mistaken? READ MORE »

Why Women Dominate the Right-Wing Tea Party

Why Women Dominate the Right-Wing Tea Party

By Ruth Rosen,

Without its grassroots female supporters, the Tea Party would have far less appeal to voters frightened by economic insecurity and the disappearance of a white Christian culture. READ MORE »

Michael Moore: Why I Had to Hire 9 Bodyguards After Winning an Oscar

Michael Moore: Why I Had to Hire 9 Bodyguards After Winning an Oscar

By Amy Goodman, Michael Moore, Democracy Now!

In a wide-ranging interview, Moore talks about his controversial career, taking over his local Democratic Party, and unloads on Obama's handling of the Afghan war. READ MORE »

America's Tragic Descent into Empire

America's Tragic Descent into Empire

By Tom Engelhardt, Haymarket Books

Engelhardt's new book, "The American Way of War," explores the U.S.'s jaw-dropping transformation into a global military empire. READ MORE »

America's Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You with Name Change

America's Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You with Name Change

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, AlterNet

Aspartame has been wreaking silent havoc with people's health for the past 30 years. READ MORE »

7 Lessons Saul Alinsky Would Give Progressives Today

7 Lessons Saul Alinsky Would Give Progressives Today

By Nicholas von Hoffman, AlterNet

The author worked closely with community organizing legend Saul Alinsky. What would Alinsky say to progressives today? READ MORE »

Profiling 5 Key Right-Wing Mouthpieces Who Spread Paranoia and Hatred to Extremists on the Fringe

Profiling 5 Key Right-Wing Mouthpieces Who Spread Paranoia and Hatred to Extremists on the Fringe

SPLC Intelligence Report

From Glenn Beck and Andrew Napolitano at Fox News to the conspiracy radio network established by Alex Jones. READ MORE »

Facing Reality, The

Facing Reality, The "New Monogamy" Is Keeping Relationships Together

By Tammy Nelson, Ph.D, Psychotherapy Networker

Affairs outside of marriage are nothing new, but this take on monogamy is. READ MORE »

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