domingo, diciembre 19, 2010

Watch: Julian Assange's Fascinating Post-Bail Interviews

We Humanity ,love and thank you Mr Assange...

Julian Assange is notoriously press-shy, but after being released on bail yesterday he lifted his personal embargo with a flurry of video interviews.

In a fascinating exchange for the Today Show, where Lauer actually lobs a couple of hardballs, Lauer keeps his cool and very levelly addresses issues ranging from Bradley Manning to the Swedish rape charges -- which Assange characterizes as “very successful smear campaign.”

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In a presser outside the mansion where he's confined to until his trial, he expresses concern for the mental health of Bradley Manning and emphasizes that he's alleged to be Wikileaks' source, but that they do not and cannot know for sure.

WikiLeaks founder concern for Manning

And for the BBC, dressed for the chilly weather and armed with a tea mug, Assange emphasizes that no evidence in English has been provided to him or his lawyers regarding his rape allegations. Then the BBC's Kirsty Wark asks him if he'd “like to apologize” to his accusers, and asks him if he's innocent if it would be better to simply “return to Sweden” to clear his name. He again denies all allegations and reiterates that he's the victim of a “smear campaign.” Must-watch.

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