martes, octubre 23, 2007

Stop the new mafia

Stop the new mafia. Keep Blackwater out of California. Sign the petition.
To watch the Blackwater: Under fire Video, HERE.

Blackwater was a ticking timebomb ready to explode. Unfortunately, it appears that civilians had to die for somebody to take action against this shadowy Iraq security contractor.
Just a few days ago, Blackwater security guards fired at and killed somewhere between eight and thirteen civilians. And this time the Blackwater boys were not protecting supplies. They were protecting the American government. That’s right. Blackwater killed Iraqi civilians while careening through Baghdad in a convoy of black SUVs containing US embassy officials. The Iraq army tried to disarm them. It took the US military intervening to get both sides to step back.
The Iraqi government wants to prosecute, but the U.S. granted blanket immunity to contractors prior to the establishment of the government. They may not have the legal authority to prosecute, but with your help, we can get the legal authority to keep them out of California.

Petition text:

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger, Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer:
Please join with me, the citizens of Potrero, Congressman Bob Filner, the East County Democratic Club, Code Pink, The Sierra Club of San Diego, Peace Resource Center of San Diego, Citizens' Oversight Projects, San Diego Veterans For Peace, La Mesa Foothills Democratic Club, North County Coalition For Peace, Progressive Christians Uniting,, the San Diego Democratic Party and other local groups in opposing Blackwater's plans for a training facility in California.
I urge you to do everything in your power to block Blackwater USA's proposed private mercenary training camp in the beautiful Round Potrero Valley in San Diego County. As documented in
Iraq for Sale and in Jeremy Scahill's new book, Blackwater: The Rise of The World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, time and time again Blackwater puts profits before people, even their own employees. As you know, Blackwater is currently under investigation by the House of Representatives for their mercenary activity in Iraq and should not be able to use our great state to perpetrate further fraud against the American people. California has a history of saying NO to those who work against the public interest. It's time to take a stand against Blackwater and send a clear message that the era of war profiteering has ended.
Blackwater intends to build another of its private city states consisting of 824 acres, replete with 360 staff and students, 15 firing ranges, a helipad and a heavy vehicle operator's course the length of 10 football fields. Potrero is a quiet town with just 840 residents, many of whom moved there seeking peace and quiet; some moved there for their health. The increased noise and traffic alone should be reason enough to oppose Blackwater West. But the reasons don't end there.
Blackwater's proposed California paramilitary base will also threaten the pristine natural habitat of the Round Potrero Valley, which includes part of Cleveland National Forest and is adjacent to the proposed Hauser Wilderness preserve. The regular detonation of firearms would be a risk both to the fire-prone landscape as well as to the wildlife that currently calls that area home including the golden eagle and the California condor. The proposed site of Blackwater West is currently zoned for agriculture. It should stay that way.
Keep Blackwater out of California.
Thank you.
To Sign the petition HERE.

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