sábado, noviembre 10, 2007

Narco News golpea a Banamex

Narco-Bankers Sue The Free Press

The Drug War on Trial

The Facts of Banco Nacional de Mexico vs. Narco News et al.

Narco News Beats Banamex!

Scroll down for full history of the case

Read the Court's Historic Decision

It will be in Law School Textbooks
for Generations to Come

"Narco News, its website, and the writers who post information, are entitled to all the First Amendment protections accorded a newspaper-magazine or journalist... Furthermore, the nature of the articles printed on the website and Mr. Giordano's statements at Columbia University constitute matters of public concern because the information disseminated relates to the drug trade and its affect on people living in this hemisphere..."

-- Supreme Court of the State of New York
December 5, 2001

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