domingo, diciembre 30, 2007

Vermont Group Wants Cheney, Bush Charged With War Crimes

Once upon a time, things were as they should be, and everyone saw BushCo for the criminals they are.

Once upon a time, things were as they should be, and everyone saw BushCo for the criminals they are:
President Bush and Vice President Cheney may soon have a new reason to avoid left-leaning Vermont: In one town, activists want them subject to arrest for war crimes.
No, no, don't pinch me. Five more minutes, just five more minutes.
A group in Brattleboro is petitioning to put an item on the Town Meeting agenda in March that would make Bush - who's been to every state except Vermont as president - and Vice President Cheney subject to arrest and indictment if they visit the southeastern Vermont town.
Oh please visit Montpelier, Vermont, oh please visit Montpelier, Vermont, oh pleaseohpleaseohplease.
Fifty-4-year-old Kurt Daims, a retired machinist leading the charge, says the petition is as radical as the Declaration of Independence and draws on that tradition.
Yes, draw on tradition. Yes, yes, yes YES, YES!!!. And remember, don't pinch me or wake me up. Just five...more...min--POP!
But it's unclear whether the group can get the one thousand signatures necessary to get the measure on the Town Meeting Day agenda.
State Attorney General William Sorrell says that even if passed, the measure would be of dubious legal value.
The end.

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