lunes, julio 28, 2008

We need information about studies of Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Miguel de la Madrid, Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderon, all educated in Harvard, all are Macro Hit Men and financial Jackals of Poor Mexico...................................Harvard famous research paper "Trading Truth: A Report on Harvard's Enron Entanglements"
Copilco Watch of UNAM in MXC is following the path of Harvard Watch of USA, and ATTAC of France, denouncing financial crime and its White Collar Criminals
A Game as Old as Empire: The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of Global Corruption
The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

I want to connect the dots between the New York Times piece attached below on transfer of US government assets to private investors at below market values to the far more important story we have been getting from HARVARD WATCH ( in recent days.
Harvard Watch's explosive disclosures this week on Harken are a wonderful case study of how much money it takes to subsidize rich folks who are not good at their fundamental business. When you connect the dots to Harvard Watch's other stories, you start to appreciate how much money needs to be fraudulently stolen from everyone else to accumulate the capital it takes to float companies like Harken and successful business resumes for men like George W. Bush.
Unfortunately, this increasingly describes all of our corporate and government leadership. The more they rig the game to look good, the more expensive it gets for the us to subsidize their "success".

As lead financial advisor to the Federal Housing Administration at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), I was highly successful in helping HUD sell their defaulted mortgages for full market value .
We were successful in helping the agency raise their prices from 35% to 70-90% of face value. GAO audits have documented that my work saved the FHA Fund at HUD over $2.2 billion in a manner that was better for communities.
Indeed, as the story of my childhood documents, the failure to resolve defaulted mortgages in a timely and honest manner destroys the wealth of honest hardworking homeowners in neighborhoods throughout the country in addition to the losses for taxpayer funded operations like FHA and Ginnie Mae .
My work stopped a whole world of private apartment owners and single family speculators from getting real estate and land at below market prices - another subsidy that results in stealing from the poor and middle class to give to the rich.
I believe that such government subterfuges are a primary reason why the rich are getting rich and everyone else is getting poorer and our environment and natural resources are deteriorating.
One of the private companies who benefited from below market deals was Ervin & Associates, a private contractor who did "work-out" deals with the defaulted owners. Ervin & Associates has spent 7 years filing a qui tam against and litigating against my company, supported by Venable & Associates, an influential Washington law firm, and at one point, by Dan Hawke as one of his attorneys.
This includes Ginnie Mae contracts generously awarded to Ervin & Associates by Ginnie Mae, HUD's securitization operation run with the help of HUD primary supporting bank and servicer, JP Morgan-Chase.
Dan Hawke is the son of Jerry Hawke, the Comptroller of the Currency and former Undersecretary of Domestic Finance. Jerry is the guy who was looking the other way during the Enron pump and dumps and other bank related money laundering and securities scams.
Jerry worked for Bob Rubin (Harvard Corporation, formerly Harvard Management) and Larry Summers.(President of Harvard) during their stint as Secretaries of the Treasury. It was the job of Rubin, Summers and Hawke to protect the integrity of the federal credit -- hence protect people like me from people like Ervin.

After twenty-nine publishers declined, San Francisco independent publisher, Berrett-Koehler brought John Perkins' message to the people of the world in late 2004. With over 180,000 copies sold, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man rapidly soared to many "best lists," including a lenghthy stay on the NY Times Bestseller list, fueled primarily by word-of-mouth. It was also nominated for the prestigious QUILL AWARDS, named in TOP 5 finalists in Business Category and for BOOK OF THE YEAR.

ATTAC nació en Francia en 1998, actualmente existe en unos treinta países en los que se han constituido organizaciones independientes, creadas según las realidades locales del movimiento social y de la sociedad. Los temas en los que trabajamos, junto con otros asociados, son: Tasa Tobin, anulación de la deuda de los países del sur y del este, luchar contra: la existencia de los paraísos fiscales en Europa y el mundo y el dominio de las multinacionales, la mercantilización de la salud, la educación y el conjunto de los servicios públicos, las patentes sobre los organismos vivos, el pensamiento único neoliberal, la uniformización de la cultura, el imperio de lo financiero en el mundo, etc.,

Vida interna de la asociación, bases y estructuras, descripción de los campos de intervención, adhesión, etc. ATTAC nació en Francia en 1998. La asociación esta organizada nacional- y localmente, las diversas dimensiones estando en continua interacción. Como movimiento de educación popular, la asociación desarrolla un trabajo de conferencias, reuniones públicas, y de expertos, tan nacional- como localmente. A traves de numerosos contactos permanentes, la asociación se articula con le movimiento social e inscribe su trabajo en una perspectiva militante.

Diciembre de 1997, un editorial de Ignacio Ramonet en Le monde diplomatique propone crear una organización para la aplicación de la Tasa Tobin, ATTAC. El 16 de marzo de 1998 tiene lugar el primer encuentro de sindicatos, asociaciones y otras publicaciones en torno a esta idea. 3 de junio de 1998, asamblea constitutiva, 9 de junio de 1998, primera conferencia de prensa, 4 de agosto de 1998, ¡adherente número mil! 17 de octubre de 1998, primer encuentro nacional en La Ciotat, 1.400 personas. 20 de octubre de 1998, primera reunión organizada en Ile de France en el Divan du Monde, 1.000 personas invaden la sala y la calle, 1 de diciembre de 1998, cinco mil adherentes, 11 y 12 de diciembre de 1998, primer encuentro internacional, nacimiento de la plataforma internacional. Fines de diciembre de 1998, lanzamiento de la primera petición nacional por la Tasa Tobin, que recolectará 110.000 firmas. El resto, aún más, forma parte de la historia...
La fundación de ATTAC surgió del rechazo a un pensamiento económico único, a un poder de decisión monopolizado por “elites”, más arrogantes que expertas, y a un sometimiento de la democracia a la autocracia financiera.
“Se trata simplemente de reapropiarnos entre todos del porvenir de nuestro mundo”.


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