martes, septiembre 16, 2008

This is the Religious CRAP the americans have!

Palin's 'Heretical' Church: Censored Video the McCain Campaign Doesn't Want you to See:

Video identified Palin churches as part of movement decried from right as heretical.
Editor's note: Make sure you scroll down to see both videos embedded in this post.
Sarah Palin was baptized at Wasilla Assembly of God and attended the church for over two and a half decades, and she has been publicly blessed by a number of pastors and religious leaders employed by and associated with that church.
Last Sunday our research team released a video, a ten-minute mini-documentary, focusing on the Wasilla Assemblies of God and the video seemed on the verge of a massive "viral" breakthrough when YouTube pulled it down, citing "inappropriate content".
At the point the video was censored by YouTube it had been viewed by almost 160,000 people. The short of it is that YouTube has censored a video documentary that appeared to be close to having an effect on a hard fought and contentious American presidential election.

Censored video: "Sarah Palin's Demon Haunted Churches
[YouTube-censored 'viral' video on]

Sarah Palin's Churches and The Third Wave from Bruce Wilson on Vimeo.

For documentation, video sourcing and background articles, see Talk To Action article, Sarah Palin's Demon Haunted Churches - The Complete Edition

Contains :

-Documentation on the sources of video footage used in the documentary.

-A written summary of the surrounding story, to contextualize the video.

-Supplemental Documentation on the Third Wave movement.

Two days ago I contacted YouTube asking what in the video was deemed "inappropriate" but I haven't received a reply. Meanwhile, YouTube has allowed someone else to post our video in full, but it is no longer in our control and so we no longer are able to update information we had included with our original video, including links to our articles which provide sourcing and documentation on our video.

To read more and watch others videos HERE.

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