martes, octubre 28, 2008

They are all the same......fuck' neoliberals!

The GOP-Terrorism Connection: It's Not 'Just' Palin

Posted by Paul Rosenberg, Open Left , AlterNet

Conservatives are perfectly willing to embrace terrorism -- if it's the "right" kind of terrorism.

Noxious though it may be, there's nothing aberrational about Palin's refusal to condemn anti-abortion violence as terrorism. The right has a long, long history of inciting violence, and excusing it, rather than condemning it. When Clinton was President, there were frequent examples of this. After the Oklahoma City bombing, the GOP Congress held hearings during which the "Militia" leaders were treated with deference and respect.
Then, just last fall, while Ron Paul was ramping up his "insurgent" presidential campaign--and in full denial about his past racist publications--he praised a couple who then engaged in an armed stand-off with federal officials. I wrote about it in a diary, "Ron Paul Equates Former Militia Wingnut Tax Evaders With Martin Luther King", which included this video, so there can be no mistaking Paul's position. The principle tax-evader in question, Edward Lewis Brown, was convicted of armed robbery and assault with a dangerous weapon in 1960, and was imprisoned until 1965. But Paul compared him not only to Martin Luther King, but to Ghandi as well:

Hey, they's not terra-ists! They's just Gandhi with a gun!

Here's a couple of passages from Brown's Wikiedia entry I presented in my original diary.

First, the "peaceful" actions that Paul was defending:

Edward Lewis Brown (born 1942) and his wife, Elaine Alice Brown (born c. 1940), residents of the American state of New Hampshire, gained national news media attention in early 2007 for not paying their federal income tax and refusing to surrender to federal government agents after having been convicted of tax crimes.[1] After the conviction and sentencing, a long, armed standoff with federal law enforcement authorities at their New Hampshire residence ended with the arrest of Edward and Elaine Brown on October 4, 2007.[2][3][4]

And his equally Ghandian past:

Earlier felony convictions and pardon

In order to read the complete article HERE.

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