miércoles, septiembre 09, 2009

Video: Obama's School Speech (and the Right's Real Problem With It)

One right-wing commentator tips his hand: the president's just too likable

For those scratching their heads over the right-wing consternation about President Obama's speech to schoolchildren today, conservative commentator Joe Watkins, speaking on MSNBC, let the cat out of the bag: the president is just too persuasive and likeable, Watkins said. So, while Watkins had no objection to the president's message, he explained, the problem comes later, when the president -- whom the students now like, because they've seen him speaking directly to them -- advances ideas their parents don't like, like, say, repealing the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act.They may listen to him! Hear his arguments! And he's verrrrry persuasive, with all that fer'n socialist voodoo mojo he's got goin' on.Of course, this is a paraphrase: I'll post the transcript or video when they become available. You can check out Watkins' commentary here. Otherwise, you can judge for yourself: here's the president's speech to schoolkids.

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