lunes, diciembre 28, 2009

"The Power of Words"

Dear follower,
"It all begins with a story..."
That's how actor, Morgan Freeman described the powerful effect of a leader who puts everything on the line to stand up for human rights. He joined us in spotlighting December as Human Rights Month on YouTube.
Today, we're premiering our video homage to you – the supporters who help spread human rights stories far and wide. You use your words to make real change happen and in our new video, you can see the incredible effect that your actions have.
Watch our new video "The Power of Words" and tell a friend (or five) about it. We're aiming to get the whole YouTube community talking about justice, fairness and human rights. But we need your help to kick off the conversation.
Please join us in celebrating the words that make our fight to protect human rights stronger.
Best wishes,
All of us at Amnesty International USA

Spread the Word!
Help us get the word out about human rights by emailing 5 friends about this video. Simply fill out the form below with your name and email address along with those of your friends.
With YouTube featuring this video on its homepage today, we have a great opportunity to share our human rights message to those who might not otherwise be aware of Amnesty International and its mission.
Thanks for all you've done this year and for taking the time today to fight for human rights around the world!

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