Alerta de Noticias para OIKOS: ahmsa
Certifican minas de fierro de AHMSA por su calidadMilenio - Distrito Federal,MexicoLas unidades de Hércules y Cerro de Mercado, productoras de mineral de fierro de la empresa Minerales Monclova, subsidiaria de AHMSA, aprobaron con marca ...El buen patrónVanguardia (México) - Saltillo,Coahuila,Mexico... a la vivienda y lo diferentes que eran las condiciones laborales en esa empresa, respecto a las condiciones de otras de la región, incluida AHMSA. ...
Hope and Questions Greet Bush Immigration Plan
Photo By John Anderson
On a soggy morning last week, the steady beat of rain represented a mixed blessing for hundreds of construction workers from Mexico. The weather cost them a day's work in wages, but it also offered a rare opportunity to take care of important business at the Mexican consul general's office, where by midmorning the foyer was packed with people clutching paperwork and filling out forms.
An unsuspecting visitor might not immediately connect the dots between inclement weather and the unusually heavy crowd gathered at the consulate. "It is raining today," the consul general, Francisco Javier Alejo, explained. "They cannot work when it is raining, so they come here to get documentation." The documents they seek range from birth certificates for their newborns to identification cards for themselves; the matricula consular, as it is called, is what the Mexican government issues to identify its citizens living in other countries.
These citizens are among hundreds of thousands of workers who might one day be given temporary U.S. residency as part of President Bush's new proposal that Congress enact a law creating a three-year guest worker program for eligible immigrants. The Bush plan, short on details but long on potential political mileage in an election year, is generally getting a warm yet cautious reception from many moderates and liberals. It's catching flak from conservatives like U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, who predicts such a program would further rob American workers of honest wages and jobs. However, even Bush has pointed out that these hardscrabble jobs are not exactly the most sought-after by U.S. citizens.
Alejo echoes the opinion of his boss -- President Vicente Fox -- who has endorsed the proposal. "It is a conceptual framework, for the time being," Alejo said, sitting in the new, more spacious consulate quarters that Fox inaugurated on his visit here in November. "We think this is a positive move, although it is not, of course, what we would like to see, which is the legalization of people who are already here. This is normally called amnesty," the consul general added. "I would prefer to call it legalization."
Alejo noted that the labor demand for workers from Mexico and other countries far exceeds the number of visas issued. "It's a very clear reflection of a mismatch." Still, he said, "It is not surprising that so many conservatives are so bitterly opposed to the plan. Employers of course will have to pay better wages, fringe benefits, Social Security, and will have to adopt safety measures."
That's not all that employers will be responsible for under the new law. Austin immigration lawyer Nina Fantl points out that the burden will be on the employer to show there are no U.S. workers available to fill the jobs, which could be a very complicated process. "Bush is trying to avoid the appearance of amnesty," she said, "but ultimately I think the ones who are going to get the job offers are the ones who are already here. I personally would prefer a policy that would recognize the people who have been here working hard and complying with our laws."
Henry Cruz, staff attorney for the Political Asylum Project of Austin, says the immediate reaction from the immigrant community was one of misunderstanding. "A lot of people ... were excited because they thought the law was already in effect," he said. "Of course," he added, "there is a lot of skepticism, too. Some people would prefer not to go that route [of a three-year guest-worker program], and they're thinking they'll just take their chances." For the most part, though, he said the client base at PAPA, a nonprofit group providing legal services to immigrants and asylum seekers, is heartened by the proposal. "When they come to us with questions," Cruz said, "there is hope in their eyes and optimism in their voices."
In South Austin, the clients of El Buen Samaritano, a nonprofit serving low-income Spanish-speaking immigrants, see the proposal as a way out of the isolation they feel as second-class citizens. "At least this is something that will buy them some time and give them an opportunity to participate in our society," says the Rev. Ed Gomez, the executive director.
But Eliza May, executive director of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, says she's hearing skepticism from Mexican workers here, who make up more than 65% of Travis Co.'s immigrant population. "They don't trust their own government, and they bring that sense of mistrust to our environment," she said. "What we're hearing is that many of them are saying, 'Why should I expose myself and potentially cause a tracking method for the government to come after me in three years?'" Like a lot of other people, May also wonders why Bush is proposing only a temporary solution to otherwise law-abiding workers. Granting legal status would serve both the worker and the employer, she said. "Every time a business hires one of these individuals they run the risk of being fined, and if there is one thing that businesses dread, it's government interference."
Por Nazario Soto
Una agitaciòn profunda comienza a sentirse en todo el paìs. Hombres que parecìan sometidos despiertan al sentir las cadenas en sus tobillos. Cuando abran del todo sus ojos, una fuerza incontenible surgirà de ellos, y entonces en un impulso romperàn esas cadenas.Bhabani Bhattachayra Es vergonzozo mirar la indiferencia de los supuestos jovenes en la actualidad(aunque muchos otros dan la lucha ejemplarmente) sobre todo comparàndolos con aquella generaciòn de heroes-por que eso es lo que son-de los años 60. La revoluciòn juvenil habìa iniciado por lo menos 150 años antes, si tomamos en cuenta los datos del autor norteamericano Anthony Esler al considerar el movimiento de la Uniòn de Estudiantes(Burschenschaft), efectuado en la ahora Alemania de 1815 a 1819, como la primera rebeliòn de jovenes en la cultura occidental. La fuerza fìsica, espiritual, polìtica, e intelectual de la juventud siempre ha cimbrado hasta los cimientos cualquier sistema, en cualquier època històrica, baste recordar el alzamiento de esclavos en la Roma Antigua(año 72 AC) lidereada por Espartaco, que venciò a numerosos ejercitos del imperio, y casi pone de rodillas a los amos, por eso el sistema de dominaciòn siempre ha hecho hasta lo imposible por mantener al joven idiotizado, enajenado, sumiso, e inmerso en el conformismo y la mediocridad màs nocivos. El sometimiento de los de menor edad siempre ha sido requisito indispensable para el desarrollo de la injusticia. Pero en 1968, mis compañeros de generaciòn se distinguìan por su capacidad de estudio, su disciplina(porque es verdad que nos encanta/ba el desmadre, pero èste siempre ha sido c-r-e-a-t-i-v-o), por su enorme esperanza en el futuro, el convencimiento pleno de que esto dependìa de nuestra lucha, de nuestra entrega diaria; el amor a la humanidad entera, la valentìa, y el profundo desprecio por aquellos seres que degradan a la especie con tal de satisfacer su inmensa codicia, la repugnancia por lo injusto, y el deseo irreprimible de libertad. Los jovenes eramos-como apunta el novelista francès Raymond Radiguet-animales que nos rebelabamos contra el dolor. Siempre supimos que unidos podìamos tomar las riendas de la Historia, y asì lo hicìmos. En Cuba, los revolucionarios-cuyo lider apellidado Castro tenìa 33 años- derrocaron a la dictadura pro-yanqui de Batista a principios de la dècada de los 60.En Corea los universitarios derrumbaron al Partido Liberal gobernante, comvirtiendo las manifestaciones en revoluciòn.En Japòn el movimiento estudiantil Zegakuren combatìa en las calles contra la policìa, la represora universal.En Argèlia el Frente de Liberaciòn Nacional, encabezado por muchachos y muchachas, destaba la revuelta en los barrios populares conocidos como cashbas, iniciando el proceso de independecia de Francia.En Turquìa tambièn hubo convulsiones sociales protagonizadas por jovenes musulmanes que pusieron en crisis al gobierno. En Indonesia los masivos movimientos estudiantiles que enfrentaban aguerridamente la represiòn del règimen, lograron llevarlo hasta la quiebra. En Mèxico, la lucha por una sociedad verdaderamente igualitaria ha durado dècadas, nuestro pueblo nunca ha estado quieto.En China, Inglaterra, Italia, Francia, Checoslovaquia, Alemania, Argentina, Brasil; EU...,los menores de 30 años se movilizaban con gran entusiasmo y sabidurìa para transformar la sociedad humanamente. Y lo lograron , lo logramos. Solo pudieron derrotarnos con la muerte, con el asesinato, y la desapariciòn. Pero muchos de nosotros siempre hemos estado dispuestos a dar la vida en la lucha contra la opresiòn. Porque nuestros maestros nos enseñaron que èsta era la ùnica manera de considerarnos verdaderamente humanos. No añoro el pasado. Estoy convencido que el Hombre y la Mujer fueron hechos para cumplir tareas titànicas. Que cuando al fin logremos superar èsta suicida explotaciòn de nosotros mismos, el avance de la Humanidad no tendrà lìmites. Sè profundamente que hoy los jovenes se ponen otra vez de pie, y esta vez nada podrà detenerlos. Afortunadamente, aùn podrè estar al lado de ellos. Mèxico, el el rincòn azulado de la Vìa Làctea.Por el Colectivo La Decena Tràgica.
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