By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Russian Military Analysts are reporting in the Kremlin today that USPresident-Elect Barack Obama has ordered the American NASA SpaceProgramme abolished and integrated into the United States Air Force’svast and deeply secret Space Forces.
The militarization of their civilian space programme by Obama is sure toevoke strong feelings among the American scientific community but is,nevertheless, now being pushed forward, and as we can read as reportedby the Bloomberg News Service:
“Obama’s transition team is considering a collaboration between theDefense Department and the National Aeronautics and Space Administrationbecause military rockets may be cheaper and ready sooner than the spaceagency’s planned launch vehicle, which isn’t slated to fly until 2015,according to people who’ve discussed the idea with the Obama team.”
These reports, however, state that Obama’s move to militarize NASA canonly be fully understood when viewed by one of his most forceful actionsin removing all Jewish American citizens from their civilian positionsin the Pentagon, and which from US News Sources it has been reportedthat “their services will not be needed after Inauguration Day”.
It is important to note about this action by Obama that the United States Military is the only power bloc in America that does not allowJewish peoples into its higher ranks as they all hold duel citizenshipwith the state of Israel, and which after the 9/11 attacks causedPresident Bush to replace all Jewish American intelligence heads withthose from within the US Military, such as US Air Force General MichaelV. Hayden put in charge of the CIA.
The fears of America’s Military Leadership about the Jewish peoplesl iving among them were again realized this past week when anotherJewish-American spy was convicted for his traitorous acts against theUS, and as we can read:
“An 85-year-old former U.S. Army engineer on Tuesday admitted he passed classified documents to the Israelis in the 1970s and 1980s.
Kadish, a U.S. citizen who lives in New Jersey, pleaded guilty only toone of the four charges of conspiracy he originally faced during histrial in Manhattan.
He had been charged with slipping classified documents about nuclear weapons, fighter jets and air defense missiles to an Israeli Consulate employee who also received information from convicted spy Jonathan Pollard, who was arrested during the same time period, authorities said.”
The most disturbing aspects of these reports read more like a derangedscience fiction novel than an intelligence report in that it states thatour World is fast entering the final ‘end-game’ with the ‘ancient god’of the Jews written in the English language as YHWH and known as theTetragrammaton, and whose aim is the total destruction of our humanrace.
Most interesting to note is the summery of this report that states: “Inwhat in our future history will go down as the largest hoax to have everbeen played upon our race, hundreds of millions of Christians have beenfalsely deluded into believing that this ‘ancient god’ of the Jewishpeoples has any association whatsoever with the Christ Jesus and have noidea that, in fact, Jesus was our human races most important figure inwarning us all of the dangers of anyone following this ‘ancient god’ asits sole aim was the destruction of everything.
Even more distressing for these Westerns, is the fact that in our Worldtoday it remains only the Russian Church and Muslims peoples standingagainst our World’s planned destruction by this most sadistic ‘ancientgod’ who through his assigned ‘chosen people’ has commanded the Jewishpeoples, throughout all of their history, to ‘totally annihilate’everyone else but them.”
Unfortunately though, this report appears to echo the statements givento the World by the German Nazis of last century who, likewise,attempted to warn the World about these things, but which culminated ina World War extinguishing the lives of nearly 100 million human beings.
It goes without our saying that our World today has, indeed, enteredinto its most critical phase in our human races centuries old battlewith the most ancient of these gods and the evil they have not onlywrecked upon us all, but for the even worse catastrophes planned for ourvery near future. However, what goes almost unnoticed, and even morerarely said, is that in this struggle for our very existence we are nota defenseless species, far from it, as our history has shown that for usto survive we can only do so as one people as our greatest power liesnot in our actions as individuals, but as an holistic whole.
Though most peoples would be familiar with the term ‘Group Mind’, it is,most unfortunately, associated with its most negative terms andhistorical apparitions instead of it being known for what it truly is,our human races most natural state of being. How foolish it is forpeoples to view in amazement the mass movements of schools of fish,flocks of birds and herds of animals, all seemingly moving in unison asif they were all ‘connected’ by some mysterious force directing theactions of all, and not realize that our human race has the sameability.
But, and as our long sad history has shown, our human race, thoughpossessing this most greatest of powers in the Universe, is easilydivided by just about any subject imaginable, the most important beingrace, religion and nationality.
It would be one matter if we were talking about a group of schoolchildren being made to behave with each other and learn how much morepowerful they are when acting in concert, and in love, with each other,but, when you have these children not having learned these simplelessons of our race becoming adults, instead of throwing their crayonsat each other they begin to throw bombs. So, as we begin this New Year, the vast majority of humanity findsitself in the most unfortunate of situation that it is being led byadults who failed to learn the most fundamental lessons of childhood andnow have their angry fingers upon the buttons controlling nuclearweapons, and who will, most assuredly, begin using them without everrealizing they are contributing to the destruction of our human race.
© January 2, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved.
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